Monday, December 1, 2008

Blogging for the first time today- I'm pretty excited.

Nine years ago tonight, I was holding my beautiful baby boy Sam. He was born at 1 a.m. My husband had gotten me to the hospital at 11:50 p.m. Nov. 30. The nurses hooked me up to a monitor and told me that they would be back in one hour to check my progress. Well, I progressed faster than they expected because Sam popped out 1hour and 10 minutes later! He was such a beautiful and tiny baby. (He actually wasn't due until December 25.)

Today he asked if he could stay home from school since it was a holiday for him. "Nice try," I told him.

Dropped my layouts off at the Scrapbook Junkie today. Will post pictures soon.

Here's a little thought that I'll close with: "Instead of counting your days, make your days count." - Author unknown

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