Sunday, February 1, 2009

Had a nice weekend. Ethan woke up on Saturday feeling much better. He's been pretty laidback all weekend- not full force just yet.

My grandparents were down from Iowa. They always stop on their way to the Valley, and then again on their way back. We had two nice evenings with them over at my mom's house.
Yesterday when Sam was getting ready to go over there, he came out dressed in his camo pants and hat. I told him that he looked like he was ready for combat. I guess that gave him some food for thought because he came back to me and asked if he could ride on the side of the car on the way over to Nonny's house. Then he was sitting in the bathroom when I went to check on him. A flashlight was sitting on the counter. He asked me to turn out the light so he could "practice going to the bathroom without power." Another brillant idea from my little genius! lol!

Here's a look at the make and take I'm helping with next Saturday, Feb. 7 at The Scrapbook Village. It's supposed to show my style.
Kids are like sponges: they absorb all your strenght and leave you limp. But give 'em a squeeze and you get it all back. -Barbara Johnson
I truly am blessed with my boys. They delight me to no end.


  1. I loved hearing about your son. He sounds adorable. Love the make & take. I am sorry that I will miss all the fun.

  2. Once again all you do is just to darn cute for words.

    Love it all.
