Saturday, August 1, 2009

busy, busy, busy day

Whew! What a busy and productive day! I began the day teaching a class at The Scrapbook Village. We made a vacation journal out of envelopes, graph paper, a map and cardstock. We all had a great time! I truly enjoy teaching. The two pics above are the finished product.
Then I got to help with a make and take. My technique was making a layout out of a paper bag. See photo above. It was quick, easy, and only slightly messy (we used paint).
Once I finished up at the Village, I hurried home to pick my darlings up from my mom's. We ate dinner together and watched a dog superhero movie.
Believe it or not, I then mustered up the strength to clean my house! I swept, mopped, scrubbed the bathrooms, and straightened the kitchen. Yowza!
I just LOVE productive days!

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