Tuesday, September 21, 2010

School Scrapbook

I am nearly finished putting together the kits for my
next class. I love setting out the piles and creating the kits. Has something to do with my need for things to be organized, I think:)
For this school themed album, I used a vintage style crayon box as a cover and carried out a vintage school theme throughout- even embellishments from a Dick and Jane book! I plan to put my mom's school pictures and memories in this.
I was actually finished with the example until a trip to Archivers this morning- had to find spaces to add a couple things. I just can't pass up cute school themed papers!
I should have the kits finished up by tomorrow. I don't realize how much goes into a mini album until I go to make the kits!
(interior page of the album)

1 comment:

  1. Laura, where do you teach your classes at? Are they open to the public?
