Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #8

     I scored big time on my thrift store run this week! As a side note, my mom had just given me a container full of coins, so instead of stopping by the bank for cash, I paid for my $9 purchase in quarters, dimes, and nickels. My hubbie would have been embarrased to be standing next to me as I dug through my jar of coins. For some reason, he thinks that is tacky! But money is money, people! :)
     Anyway, every so often, my favorite thrift store places books on sale for ten cents! I scour the shelves looking for old books. Even though, I may not know quite what I'm going to do with them, I just can't pass them up at that price.
     The middle photo shows several of my treasures- old records for a quarter each. I used to have quite a collection of these and my own record player when I was a little girl!
     Got 3 sets of chopsticks for only a buck. They are absolutely beautiful! They're black with red and white flowers painted on them. They're so pretty that I plan to wear a pair in my hair once it gets long enough!
     Also got this worn cigar box for fifty cents. I think I'm going to use it to store some of my craft supplies. How cute would a stack of these look sitting on my desk?!
     The final photo is of an old deck of cards. I always take time to sift through the games whether I'm at a thrift store or yard sale. I love the vintage images on these cards. I plan to incorporate a few as embellishments on the next mini album I make.

     Thanks so much for stopping by and participating in my treasure hunting!

This post is linked to Apron Thrift Girl and
Somewhat Simple


  1. A sale on books - 10 cents each, that is a fabulous sale. I also like to buy old books, and cigar boxes are great for storing small items. I bet they will look great stacked on you desk.

  2. My mom, daughters and I spent the day thrifting some great deals, and had so much fun! Thanks for stopping by Take Six! :)

  3. A jar of coins - great double thrifting.

  4. TOURING is a fun game. Take time to play it with friends before you use the images for graphics.
    Last summer i went through a graphics phase. (Not that it is over.) Recently I even asked the ladies at our local thrift if I could retrieve a game from the trash. Some of the pieces were missing but I am thrilled to use the others in crafting.

    And I put all my pocket change into a zipped pouch marked JUNQUE cash. every nickel and dime adds up!
