Friday, April 6, 2012

Be a Treasure

     Yesterday I showed you a bag of blue crystal rocks that I had picked up at the thrift store. I actually was hoping to find something just like these for this project! I'm lucky, but not usually lucky enough to find just the item I want at the thrift store the same day I decide I want it!
     Anyway, let me give you a little background before I show you why I wanted these rocks.
    The Christian Women's Group I am involved in at church is reading this book. I'm only a little way into it so far, but I am really enjoying it.
In the second chapter, the author says that we as the women of the house are supposed to "supply beauty in the lives of [our] husband[s] and children as we struggle through life together" and we are "to light up the home with sparkle no matter how hard times are."
Now, I love the sound of this. I will be the first to admit that I don't always sparkle and I certainly don't always light up our home. But I would like to. So, with prayer, I am going to try. But sometimes I'm going to need a little reminder- cause I tend to forget things. Here's where the little blue rocks come in.
I stamped "be a treasure" on several of them so I can place them throughout the house as little reminders- like next to the computer, in my cup holder in the car, next to the kitchen sink, in my purse. . . and other places where I will be reminded to be a treasure to the Lord.

P.S. The other day when I completed my reading for the day, my boys were waiting for me to come supervise their bedtime routine. They were arguing while brushing their teeth. I knew they needed me, but they were already trying my patience. My husband chuckled when he heard me whispering to myself,
"Be a treasure, be a treasure."

     This post is linked to Happy Hour Projects and

I Heart Nap Time

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