Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #19

     I had a great time on my thrifty rounds this week. I happen to pass by four thrift stores every day on my way to pick up my younger son from school. Because I home-school  my other son  (we do online school), I don't always have time to stop and shop. I do try to swing in once a week though. This week it was definetly worth my time!
I found this wooden bowl with beautiful painted detail for $1. I'm not sure what I'll use it for- probably to organize- but I sure couldn't pass it up.
This plate was calling to me because it matches. . .
these two bowls that I found in a thrift store in a different town last month!! Can you believe that? (It's just the little things that make me happy, Folks!:)

I also found two more old text books from the fifties. You'll notice the one on the right I featured last week after I turned it into a journal/scrapbook. The one on the left will probably have the same fate.

I got all four of the books in this post for fifty cents each- but when I saw this one, I just wanted to cheer. I love the graphic on the cover and the writing is amazing- the author used his "country" dialect to give tips on living in the wild . This book is too precious to be turned into a scrapbook- I actually gave it to my husband who LOVES it. He started reading it right away.

This final book caught my eye as I was waiting to pay. I thought the cover was very unique. Imagine my surprise when I started flipping through it and saw. . .

that it is written in DUTCH!! My, oh my!

I found this dinner size plate for fifty cents at another thrift store. I love pretty plates and saucers- I love my eclectic mismatched collection!

I also found this film canister- it doesn't feel heavy enough to be old, so I thought that it would be cool to wrap a gift in it. Notice the price written on the front. Nice.

I've been eyeing this book for awhile. It was priced at $4, so I kept passing on it. For some reason, on this visit, it was reduced to $1. I have a friend who's last name is Peppers and I thought she would like it. I'm actually planning to turn it into a scrapbook before I give it to her.
     Thank you all for stopping by and God bless.
     This post is linked to Happy Hour ProjectsGet Outta My Head,  and

It's OVerflowing

1 comment:

  1. Really nice finds!
    Thanks for linking up!
    Stacey of Embracing Change
