Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #22

     This was a better week in yard sales. My hubby and I headed out to an estate sale in our neighborhood. We didn't find anything there, but scored at a yard sale that we stopped at.
     This was my jewel for the day- I got all 3 pieces for $1! They're not from the same set, but the gravy boat actually matches a platter that I bought a few months ago at a thrift store. Besides, I find charm in having mismatched pieces.

      I got this set of three embroidery hoops for $1. These will be featured in some upcoming crafts. Be watching. . .:)
     The center frame was only a quarter. I plan to paint it a bright color and do something fun with the center. The two black frames were a curbside find from when I was out on a bike ride earlier this week. Score!

     The final purchase of the day was made by my hubby. He got this hardly-used dehydrator for $2. It didn't come with a user guide, but he found directions on Google and has already dehydrated oregeno, okra, garden salsa peppers and jalapenos- all grown in his garden. He was like a kid with a new toy! It's finds like these that keep him coming with me to yard sales. I love that he enjoys coming with me.

     Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.
Matthew 6:21
     This post is linked to Apron Thrift Girl.

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