Monday, July 9, 2012

Serving Up Plates as Frames

     Hi Everybody! Hope you all had a nice weekend. 
We sure did. Nothing beats a leisurely weekend spent with your family:)

     Years ago, my husband and I lived in Germany and we were able to travel quite a bit. My goal when we went to Czechoslovakia was to get my own set of china (for some reason, I thought all married women needed a set:). Well, at the time our meager finances didn't allow me to get my own dishes. So, throughout the years, whenever I came across a cute plate or teacup for a reasonable price, I'd pick it up. Now I have quite a collection of unique pieces. I adore my mismatched China set! It's my little bit of femininity in this house full of testosterone! My boys refuse to sit down and have a tea party with me, but they won't pass up a homemade treat served on a cute plate!

     Anyway, I had seen a project online some time ago using these plates as frames and I wanted to give it a try. I found all these plates at the thrift store.

For these two, I printed off some older photos that my cousin had shared with me of our grandmother and parents when they were young (thanks again Robyn!)
I thought the older photos would look good on the plates.

Here are close ups of  the plates:

I like this one the best! It's a photo of my Nana when she was young- 
I'm guessing in her late twenties.
I added a small doily behind the photo and placed a couple of flowers 
on the bottom right side of the photo.

This is a photo of my mom (the brunette) and her younger brother and sister. 
Delightful photo- can you tell her brother was full of the dickens?
I added the trio of flowers at the bottom.

Then I decided to try a set with current photos.
 I think they look good, although next time, I'd probably print them in sepia.

This is a photo of my mom and dad. 
I think the pink and white photos bring out the pink roses on the plate.

This is my sister and brother-in-law. I love the gold accents on this plate.

I added different flowers to all the plate frames, although they'd be cute even without the flowers.

If you'd like to do this, all you have to do is cut your photos into a circle. I used a Coluzzle, but you could just trace around a cup or something else circular. Then you can adhere the photos to the plate using Glue Dots. In these photos, I have the plates sitting on plate stands, but they'd look cute hanging on a wall, too.

Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they
may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16

This post is linked to

Today's Creative Blog

Tip Junkie handmade projects


  1. what a wonderful way to display cherished family photos

  2. These are beautiful! I love collecting small decorative plates and this would be an awesome way to display some family photos. I'm a new follower and would love if you'd share them at my Frugal Treasures party. Have a good week.

  3. I never wanted a china set - I'm not a formal gal. Love that you have mismatched set. So much more fun.

    And these are the cutest frames - great idea!
