Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #26

     While visiting my favorite thrift stores yesterday, I bought five items and only spent $2.09! It is so nice to leave a store with a bag full of stuff that I paid for out of my change pouch!:)
I found a large bin full of patterns for only a dime each. I searched for the really old patterns. They only had two.
I love this one. I remember wearing a gown like this when I was an acolyte at church:)

Even with the damage, this one is a gem.

This ink pad is 6.5"x 5" and still is good. I tested it on my thumb before buying. Can't beat that price! I am always in need of black ink- for scrapbooking, not for every day use:)

I can't pass through the book section without a quick look. I got these two hardbacks for fifty cents each. Looking forward to reading them both.
(Usually I just show you books that I buy to cut up- just want to let you know that I buy some to read, too!)

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me.
Phil. 4:13 
This post is linked to Apron Thrift Girl and
shabby creek cottage

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