Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #27

     Hey Guys! I have got some cute stuff to show you today. . . I made a quick stop at the thrift stores on my way to get groceries. No, the thrift stores aren't actually on the way to Wal-mart, but my boys were behaving and I had some extra time, so I made the detour.:)
I fell in love with this little yellow bowl for fifty cents. It will be cute to put toppings in when we have tacos for dinner. 
Then, a little farther down the counter, I found this yellow and white bowl (I put the small yellow bowl inside for the photo) for $.75. It will be a good cereal bowl. My mother-in-law always had cute mismatched bowls like this; they make me think of her.

I couldn't pass up these three crocheted circles. I put a quarter next to them so you could see what size they are. I plan to put them on a cover of a scrapbook- they'll add a little homemade touch.

I'll be homeschooling my boys this year (with K12 online public school). We needed more binders, so I picked these up for a quarter apiece. They've hardly been used. I'll wipe them clean with a Clorox wipe and they'll be good as new.

This is the best purchase today- a beautiful, colorful crocheted blanket in awesome shape for only $4!
I feel like I should pick up handmade blankets when I find them; somebody put a lot of time and heart into them.
The checker at the thrift store somehow forgot to charge me for this. I was down the road when I realized it, so I turned around to take it back and pay. I wouldn't have felt right using it without paying for it! 

I found this old beauty in the "Free" box. I have plans for this. . .stay tuned!

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
Psalm 34:4
This post is linked to Apron Thrift Girl and
shabby creek cottage

I Heart Nap Time


  1. I so enjoy your posts. You are creative and practical at the same time. I am a Christian mom trying to homeschool my two girls. What is k12 online?


  2. I love the crocheted afghan. I got one when I was married and I accidentally shrunk it in the wash..what 19 year old knows wool shrinks? I always kept it though and now it's back in style as a felted throw! Much warmer too.
