Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #32

     Hey My Friends, I'm late posting today, but I'm here. School started this week and I'm home-schooling my boys (though K12, which is online public school). Between school, grocery shopping, making dinner, and going to my son's two hour football practice, this is my first chance I've had to sit down and post.

     As I headed out to make a quick stop at the thrift stores the other day, I spotted a yard sale. I found the cutest plate for fifty cents. I was so excited to hang it in my kitchen. But as I had it in my pile to take photos, I carelessly dropped it to the ground and it shattered. My son giggled when I said, "Fifty cents down the drain." I wasn't trying to be funny, though. I actually meant it.

My other yard sale purchases were these two doilies. Though I probably won't leave them in the embroidery hoops. I got them for a quarter a piece which is quite a bargain for two doilies and two embroidery hoops!

My favorite thrift store often has pretty old plates. I love the print on this one and even though there's a little chip on the lower side and we can't eat off it, I can hang it on my kitchen wall.
I seriously cannot pass up old sheet music- especially when it's only fifty cents!

It's finds like these that make me feel like dancing in the aisles of the thrift store! ( I'm just kidding- the thrift store doesn't have aisles!)
Old paper products are like the Holy Grail for me. These notepads are 8.5" x 14". That means one of these pieces of papers will go from the top to the bottom of a 12"x12" scrapbook page! 
One is notebook paper, while the other is my favorite. . . ledger paper.

I was in a hurry, so I only got to stop at two thrift stores. There was one more that I wanted to go to, but I knew that my hubby and I would be in that part of town later that evening for date night, so I decided to wait until then.
It's not every guy who agrees to make a thrift store run at the beginning of a date! I do believe he's a keeper:)

This is the reason I wanted to go to this particular store. I had seen this music stand buried behind some stuff the last time I was there. My older son, the drummer, claimed our only music stand, so my younger son, the guitarist, lays his sheet music on the floor when he practices. 
This stand is in great shape and is very heavy duty. This bodes well since my younger son is so hard on his stuff. 

While I was waiting for the thrift store guy to un-bury the music stand, I was shuffling through the dishes. I have a nice collection of the saucer size plates, but I don't have any dinner plates. Imagine my surprise when I found this beauty! Got it for a dollar. My goal is to have a set of mismatched dinner plates. I think there's such charm in that:) When I stayed at the B&B recently, we ate off of their mismatched china plates and I found it delightful.

     Happy treasure hunting to you all. Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Your word I have treasured in my heart
that I might not sin against You.
Psalm 119:11

     This post is linked to Embracing Change, Apron Thrift Girl,  and My Repurposed Life.


  1. I love those floral plates! I'm with you - 50 cents is 50 cents I could use to go to the next thrift shop!

  2. Nice finds!
    I am always looking for sheet music but no luck yet!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Stacey of Embracing Change
