Friday, August 3, 2012

Ringing in the Weekend

     Many times I start off a tutorial saying how easy it is- well, today is no different. I'm going to show you how to make a ring that is very easy and affordable!
     I started by getting two pendants from Wal-mart for $3 each. You could find these at Hobby Lobby and use a 40% off coupon which would make your ring even cheaper!
     I had this pack of blank ring backs - a 3 pack for $2.99 (which I did use a coupon on)- so each ring today cost me less than $4. You can't find that at your local jewelry store!
These are my supplies. I also used E-6000 glue.

First, I trimmed off the loop for the necklace.

You may need to use a metal file if the loop doesn't cut off evenly.

Then you just glue the blank ring to the back of the pendant with E-6000 glue. Allow 24 hours to dry. Then you have a beautiful ring that hardly cost you anything!

Here's the first one I made. Nice, huh?

I really like this one. I've been eyeing rings like these online.

Here's the black ring with a bracelet I already had. Looks fantastic together if you ask me. :)

Oooh la la. This little turquoise ring is going to get a lot of use!

      Wouldn't a ring like this make a great gift for a friend? You don't have to spend a lot to give a nice present.

     Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
     This post is linked to Happy Hour Projects, Be Different Act NormalToo Much Time on My Hands, Making the World Cuter, and My Repurposed Life.

And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.
Romans 5:3-4


  1. That looks like a fun craft and a pretty nice ring, too. Best wishes for a great weekend. Following you now. Linda

  2. creative. What a great idea. I'll have to try this sometime. Thank you!

  3. nice jewelry transformation! I can't wear anything but 14k gold. :(

