Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #30

     Good morning!

     A friend once told me about a tip that she read stating that when you get something new, you should get rid of something you have. This keeps you from having too much. For the last month, I have been putting stuff to get rid of in a box - little things that are just sitting around that we no longer need. I took this box to the thrift store while I was out and about. Then I went in the thrift store to see what they had. And I picked up a few things. . . since I had just gotten rid of a box of stuff!:)

I found this pack of planks- I believe it was a shelf board that somebody cut up. These will make perfect canvases for a project I've been wanting to do. The edges are nice and straight and don't even need to be sanded. I got 5 of them for a quarter.

I was browsing and found this old muffin tin in the middle of a pile of plates. Only 50 cents. Isn't it a beauty?

There was something about the print on this container that called out to me. I was reluctant to claim it because I didn't want to spend $4 on it, but when I asked, the thrift store lady gave me a discount and let me get it for $3. It looks like it's covered in a bunch of foreign labels, but it's fabric. I'll use it to hold supplies in my craft room.

     I've started another box so as I'm cleaning and sorting, I can get rid of some more stuff. Isn't the saying, if you haven't used an item in a year (or  5 years) you don't need it anymore?

    Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

    This post is linked to Apron Thrift Girl.

Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this,
not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother's way.
Romans 14:13

1 comment:

  1. I'm afraid I can't follow that rule all the time but it always feels good to get rid of a box, doesn't it? Today I took a big basket-ful to the consignment shop. I love that I can make a little money/store credit on some things I was going to get rid of anyway! :)
