Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Layout of the Week #28- Using Graph Paper

     Today we're going to incorporate yet another office supply into our layouts- graph paper! I have found oodles of this paper at thrift stores and I often turn to it when papercrafting.    

Here is the layout we're going to make.
You'll need:
one piece of 12"x12" card stock
one piece of graph paper trimmed to 6 1/2"x10"
two strips of pattern paper 1/2" x 12"
one piece of pattern paper trimmed to 5"x5" (I used a page out of an old book)
a couple of embellishments (I used a strip of map paper and a ticket)
white card stock for the photo mat

You'll start by adhering the 1/2"x 12" strips to the top and bottom of the cardstock. Ink the edges of them if you'd like- I did.

Then you need to tear the right edge off of the graph paper.It doesn't have to be neat- it is supposed to look rough. Ink the edges if you'd like. Adhere the graph paper about 1/2" from the left side of the card stock centered from top to bottom.
Trim your pattern paper to 5 "x5 ". Ink the edges if you'd like. Adhere it about 1/2" from the bottom of the graph paper and about 1/8" from the left side of the card stock. It should hang over the left side of the graph paper.
Now you need to trim the white card stock according to the size of your photo. I left the bottom edge longer so it would make it look like a Poloroid photo. Ink the edges if you'd like. Adhere it about 1" from the top of the graph paper centered from left to right on the graph paper.

Add your title in the lower right corner leaving enough room for journaling below it.

Add your journaling. I used my own handwriting.
Place an embellishment on the upper right corner of the photo. Place another embellishment on the upper left corner of the graph paper.
See how easy it is to use something as simple as graph paper on a scrapbooking layout? Easy-peasy.
Here's another example where I used graph paper at the top of the layout behind the photos and also for the journaling strips.

     Now go dig into your stash of graph paper and whip up a quick layout:)

     Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strenghten you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isiah 41:10

This post is linked to 52 Mantles, Shabby Creek Cottage, and My Girlish Whims.

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