Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #33

     Today I only have one item for this weekly post, but what a doozy it is!
     I made a quick round of my three usual thrift stores and I literally found nothing. . . until I walked through the last room of the last store and my eyes beheld this. . .

very old sewing machine!!!

      I figured I wouldn't be able to afford it because I've never seen one of these for less than $50. I sent my younger son to the front desk to ask for the price. He came back and said it was $15. Well, I couldn't believe it! I sent a photo to my hubby who happened to be on his way home from work. He swung by to take a look. Long story short- this old beauty belongs to us now!

Here it is folded up into its cabinet. I know, it needs work- but $15, People!

Here's a close up of the sewing machine. Sigh. . .

     My hubby looked it up and determined that it was made in 1936. Whew! I do believe this is my deal of the year! 

     My hubby even offered to help me fix it up. What a sweetie.

     Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord,
knowing that your labor is not in vain.
1 Cor. 15:58

This post is linked to Cap Creations, Apron Thrift Girl, and




  1. What a beautiful treasure you found! And for $15 too...that was a terrific deal! What a lovely find! Have a fabulous weekend! Angie xo

  2. I love old Singer sewing machines! I currently have a hand crank machine in a wood case and my great grandmothers 1950-60ish industrial machine.

    New follower from the blog hop!

  3. What a great deal! I think old sewing machines are fabulous! Visiting from Thrifty Love party.

  4. what an awesome find! cute and functional and vintage at the same time :) i remember my grandma everytime i see a Singer sewing machine :) and for $15 its a big fat yes :D God bless!

  5. What a great buy! I too love old Singer machines. I have too many honestly, but I do use them! My best find was a Singer 301 with a case for $25! I use the 301 for piecing quilts and mending jeans, they go through just about anything. Your machine probably just needs a good cleaning, some oil, a new needle and maybe a tension adjustment, but be sure to check the wiring. Great find!
