Monday, October 22, 2012

Boo-tiful Memories

     I want to show you a book that I started years ago. It's a chronicle of my boys in their Halloween costumes. It starts with my older son's first Halloween and goes up to last year. I used an 8"x8" scrapbook.

Every year at this time, we get this book out: Halloween through the years with the Sextons.
Here's the title page,

and here are a few of the yearly layouts.

It only requires a little bit of work one time a year.

I usually add three or four photos, a little bit of Halloween themed paper, journaling, and a few embellishments.

This is a very simple album idea whether you have a toddler or an older child. You can dig out a couple of old pictures from years past and stick them in a themed album.

     I think scrapbooking is such a wonderful way to document memories. I can't tell you how many times my family and I have brought out scrapbooks and laughed and reminisced.

     My children were delightful as toddlers. I never knew what they were going to say. When they would say or do something funny or amazing, I wrote it down- sometimes on a scrap of paper, sometimes on the back of a piece of mail, and sometimes in a notebook. Later on when I made a scrapbook page or mini album, I went to my notes to get the journaling.

     When you're a busy mom, you think you'll remember the cute things your child does, his favorite things, the tv shows he watches, but you don't always. That's why I feel it is so important to write these things down.

     Even if you keep your photos in a photo album, make sure you write down the stories. Get a notebook. Start today. You'll cherish these stories down the road.

     For instance, in this Halloween album, I included silly stories that I wouldn't have remembered without reading them. Like how one Halloween my older son's breath was condensing on the inside of his mask and he kept licking it off and he told me, "Mom, there's something wet on the inside of my mask and it tastes good!" Or the year my boys were Storm Troopers complete with the appropriate weapons, but my younger son had already broken his gun before we even got outside to take pictures. So he just held a pretend gun. Or when my younger son was so little to pose for Halloween photos that we had to put a towel under his rump so he wouldn't slide off the slick chair.

     Sometimes I sit down and read in my notebook of boy stories, and I get to laughing so hard, I almost cry.

     When documenting your memories, you don't have to go overboard, you don't have to be fancy. I'm not. Just get those memories in print. Trust me, you'll be glad you did.

     Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

I will delight myself in Your statutes;
I will not forget Your word.
Psalm 119:16

1 comment:

  1. Love your album! I put together a small chipboard Halloween album that is one of my all time favorites. Great job!
