Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #39

     This past weekend, I was blessed to get to go to a Women of Faith conference in San Antonio (which was fantastic!) with some very good friends. We got there early so we could do a little shopping and, believe it or not, one of our stops was at a Goodwill (I promise you that it was not my idea!).

     Here's what I found. . .
an old potato masher in great condition for $1,

and this wire. . . thing. I don't know what it came off of, but I can think of a couple of uses for it! Couldn't pass it up for only a buck.

My final purchase was this cute shirt dress. I don't usually buy clothes secondhand, but this didn't even look like it had been worn, and it was only $5.95. Several of my friends found cute dresses, too. One of them still had the original price tag on it!

     Whether home or away, I sure do love a quick trip through a thrift store:)

     Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

And whatever you do, do it heartily,
as to the Lord and not to men.
Col. 3:23
     This post is linked to Apron Thrift Girl, Cap Creations,  and Happy Hour Projects.


  1. I love a good thrifting story! I do buy clothes from the thrift stores. I save time and money. Love that wire thing-y and the masher.

    Distressed Donna Down Home

  2. Actually...the wire thingy :) looks to me like one of those old time things you would use to smack the dust out of your quilts. You would hang up your blankets or quilts on a clothesline or even over a tree limb and you would hit them with it to get the dust out. I swear i've seen that on an episode of little house! :) Hope this helps!

  3. The wire thing is a rug beater, but I am sure it works great for quilts too!
