Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #40

     It's Thursday, and you know what that means around here. . . there's been some thrifting going on. Here's my loot. . .

First, I have to show you this metal rolling pin. I actually got this a few weeks ago when I bought some wooden rolling pins, I just forgot to take a picture of it. Kind of unusual, huh?

This metal platter was only $1. I have some thoughts about what to do with it- it won't be a platter when I finish with it:)

Although this looks like a full size pitchfork, it's actually only about 12" long. I think I will modify it to become a necklace rack. This only cost a dime!

I found this box of eight never been used quart size jars for $1 each.
I've got quite a few jars now- hopefully my hubby's fall garden will be productive!

I got this glass lid which fits pretty well on the wooden base that I found several weeks ago. I'm excited to have a cloche. . . don't know yet what I'll put in it.

     Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
This post is linked to 52 Mantles, Cap Creations, and Apron Thrift Girl.

1 comment:

  1. How awesome that the glass lid fits the base! Nice cloche! Thanks so much for joining us at Cap Creations.
