Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #42

     My older son had earned his free Book-It Personal Pan Pizza from Pizza Hut the other day, so I drove him to get it right after he finished school. Since we were kinda in the neighborhood, I swung into my favorite thrift stores. Boy was I glad I did!

I love the handle on this spoon to the right- I would like to try my hand at making a ring from silverware which is why I was even looking at silverware. Then I noticed the flower shape in the scooping end and I knew I could never cut this up.
The wooden spoon on the left I plan to put on the cover of a recipe themed scrapbook.

I love this old platter. Although I have a couple like this, I couldn't pass it up at this price. I like to keep extra platters on hand for when I have to take food to an event then I don't want to have to worry about getting my platter back.

This tray was only fifty cents and I see a chalkboard in its future!
I found all these brand new plate hangers for fifty cents apiece. They're 1.99 new at Hobby Lobby. With the plates I find and bring home, it will be nice to have plate hangers.

I added these beauties to my doily collection. I spent $1 on each of them which is more than I usually spend on a doily, but these are in great shape and the flowers in the centers are raised. They're just beautiful!

I got this old nursing book for a quarter. It's from the fifties and in poor shape- so I won't feel bad about tearing it up and using its pages. I've been meaning to make a memory box of my photos and mementos from nursing school, and these pages will add a lot to that project.
If you drive by a yard sale while running your weekly errands, stop by. Give it a chance. You just don't know what you'll find!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for
and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1
This post is linked to Apron Thrift Girl and Too Much Time On My Hands


  1. that will for sure make a great chalkboard.

  2. That is a cool oval tray--I don't usually see that shape! It will make a great chalkboard.
