Monday, December 17, 2012

A Platter of Christmas Cheer

     I've had this square black platter for a little while and I've been intending to turn it into a wreath for my front door. Let me start by saying that things always work out beautifully in my head:) It's a lovely place in there; unfortunately, it's not always like real life.
     So I sat down to make my platter wreath today and discovered that there is no way to hang this fella. I thought my Cropadile would be able to punch through the metal. I didn't even get to see if it would because the lip around the platter is too thick to fit in my Cropadile.
     So, onto Plan B: a pretty little plaque to sit on a shelf- or in this case, on my piano.

I used scrapbook paper to embellish it. It was quick and easy- and cheap. The platter only cost $1 at  the thrift store and I had everything else.
You can see what it originally looked like here.
     If you have any ideas of how I could hang this puppy, please let me know. I wondered about magnets, but they'd have to be pretty darn strong to hang on my front door.
     I don't know about you all, but I just don't feel like Christmas should be a week away. Usually by now I am full of Christmas cheer. It's not that I'm not un-cheery- I just don't feel like it should be mid-way through December yet. 
     Maybe I need to do a few more Christmas crafts?!? :)
     Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
But I trust in Your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in Your salvation. I will
sing the Lord’s praise, for He has been good to me.
 Psalm 13:5-6
      This post is linked to Brassy Apple, Craft-O-Maniac

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