Monday, December 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Sam!

     Today* this beautiful boy turns thirteen!

     It really is hard to believe that he's now a teenager. This is the boy who first made me a mom.  I had a very easy pregnancy with him and a very fast delivery. Twenty-five days before he was due, he decided it was time to make his entrance. I was so nervous about him coming early, but he was so perfect when he was born. He was only 5 lb. 13 oz. So tiny, so beautiful.
     He was such a good baby. He hardly cried- when he needed something, he'd just let out one little "Waaa."
     When he was just five days old, I had to leave him to go to class. I was almost done with nursing school. He was due to come over my winter break and I'd only have one semester to complete my degree. Instead, he came with two weeks left in my second to last semester. One of the hardest things I've ever had to do was leave him to go to school. Tears were streaming down my face. My hubby told me everything would be fine. He worked evening shift, so he was going to be with the baby while I was gone.
     Sam was always such a happy and content baby. As he grew, he would smile on command. I called it his "Cheeser" smile. Whenever we'd say, "Do it again, Sam," he would flash a giant smile. He was such a pretty baby that one time when I took him to the feed store, an older gentleman behind the counter said, "He's too pretty for a boy!"
     He loved cars and trucks. He actually said the word truck before he said Mama. He loved Lincoln Logs, K'nex, and Legos. He could build almost any set we put in front of him. He has always been such a smart boy.
     He learned sign language when he stayed with my mom and sister, so he was able to communicate many ideas before he could even talk.
     He was the only baby on my side of the family, so he got lots of attention.
     When his brother came along, he was totally in love with him. He never had a minute of jealousy. They were buds from the beginning.
      It has been a huge blessing to be home with my boys as they've grown. I wouldn't trade it for a million bucks. I love being there for the good and the bad.
    I love hearing Sam's stories. I love watching him get excited over the things he builds. I love watching him enjoy something funny on tv. I love it when he comes up behind me and gives me a spontaneous hug.
     I am so proud of this boy. I am blessed to call him my son. I love you to the moon and back, Sam.

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.
2 Peter 3:18
This post is linked to Between Naps on the Porch.
* Sam's b-day is Dec. 1. This was a delayed post.

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