Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #47

     Whew! I'm sure you all have been as busy as we've been around here. . .who's ready for some time off? (You can't see it, but I'm raising my hand right now:)
     Isn't it funny how much time we think we need to spend on frivolities this time of year instead of focusing on the reason for the season?
     I'm as guilty as the rest, but I did find a minute to sneak into one thrift store today and boy, was it worth it!

That's right- this fella was only $3. He's not as old as I'd like him to be, but at this price, I couldn't leave him there!
I'm hoping my hubby will find some typewriter ribbon for me for Christmas. Then I could use this for typing up journaling for my scrapbooking.

Got these four jars for a dollar. It's hard to see in the picture, but they are Atlas Mason jars. They don't have lids, but they have etched volume markings which I love.

Got this nice box of envelopes for fifty cents. I'm getting ready to start a group of ladies on a scrapbooking project in January, and envelopes always come into handy!

This dinner plate was $1. I now have three in my collection! Very soon, I'll have enough for a dinner set.

The thrift store was still having their book sale- 2 for twenty five cents. I spotted these and thought that they'd work for the journals that I make from books. I hope to start making some to sell here on the blog soon.

Couldn't pass this up at twelve in a half cents! James Patterson is always a good read. I don't know how he'd feel knowing his book was sold for less than twenty cents, though.:)
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

We love Him because He first loved us.
1 John 4:19
     This post is linked to Shabby Creek Cottage

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