Friday, January 4, 2013

Button Rings

     Here is a cute and easy project for you. . . button rings.

All it takes is a few buttons, ring blanks (which you can get at Hobby Lobby), and a glue gun.
For this one, I stacked two buttons, then, after taking the prongs off the back of a decorative brad, glued the brad on top.
The far left ring is just an old brass button; the middle one is a burgundy button topped with a copper button, and the button on the right is two brown buttons with the decorative brad.

I first made one of these because I didn't have a ring to match my outfit.:) Doesn't get any easier than this, folks!
If you would like to make a ring or rings like this, look for buttons at craft stores, yard sales, and even thrift stores. They don't have to be loose buttons- if you see cute buttons on a shirt, you could always cut the buttons off and use them!

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
Psalm 119:105

     This post is linked to Brassy Apple, Tatertots and Jello, Be Different Act NormalFive Days Five Ways, and Happy Hour Projects

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