Monday, January 14, 2013

Cork Key Rings

    As I've mentioned before, I have a slew of wine corks- most of which I got from just one estate sale. That one couple provided me with enough corks to make today's project, two other projects - and I still have a lot left. I'm thinking this cork collection was years' worth of them saving.
     Anyway, I found this tutorial and thought it was the cutest use for corks.
Here are the key rings I made. This project is so quick and easy. The first one took me a little bit, but the rest I whipped up in about five minutes each. I got started making these and didn't want to stop. But how many key rings does one girl need?

The cork on the left, I stamped with a script stamp, but I liked the phrasing on the cork on the right, so I left it au natural.

Again, I stamped the cork on the right with a script stamp, but the cork on the left already had script writing on it so I left it as is.

     If you, like me, are not a wine drinker (or any kind of drinker, for that matter) and don't have your own supply of wine corks, you can often find them at yard sales and estate sales. Another idea would be to check with a local restaurant and ask them if they could save a few for you. You could also make a post on Craigslist or Freecycle requesting some.

      What do you think? Would you carry one of these around?

     If you like this project and would like to see other projects using corks, you can look here or here.

     Thanks for stopping by and God bless!

I will praise the Lord according to His righteousness,
and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.
Psalm 7:17

This post is linked to Craft-O-Maniac, Between Naps on the Porch, and Making the World Cuter.

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