Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #50

     Here we are with my fiftieth Thrifty Thursday. Some of you are probably thinking, "My word, this girl likes thrift stores. She is one serious secondhand shopper." And, yes, I would have to agree with you.
     But today, my friends, while I was at the thrift store, I saw a lady who is even more serious than I am about thrifting. She was walking through the store with her oxygen tank on her back!!! I am not kidding y'all. She was breathing very heavily and walking very slowly. Now, I'm a nurse and keenly observant (my hubby would say nosy), so I kept an eye on her and even offered her a chair to sit on at one point. But she seemed very happy to be digging through treasures.
     Although I was keeping watch on her, I was still able to find a few things.

Picked up this old Monopoly game for $1.
Earlier this week I showed you a scrapbook that I made from a Scrabble board. I am going to teach that album in a class, and I will need several board games to cut up, so that's probably what I'll do with this guy. 

It's hard to tell in this photo, but this is a bag full of binder clips for $.75.
I love binder clips. There's just so much you can do with them. Couldn't pass up this bargain!

I found another dinner plate- for only $1. I'm up to five now. Almost have my mismatched set!
Here is the best find of the day. I got these two slide holders for a dime each! Whoo-wee! I saw these boxes on a bottom shelf and snatched them up. I couldn't believe my luck. I'm not quite sure what I'll do with them, but I'm thinking one of them may become a wreath of some sort.
I just love that black one!
I wish you luck on all your thrifty adventures. Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Ask, and it will be given to you;
seek, and you will find;
knock, and it will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7
This post is linked to Embracing Change, Apron Thrift Girl, and My Girlish Whims

1 comment:

  1. So funny. I also have started collecting beautiful dishes and china and have more than enough in my collection..but still pick up unique pieces. I have also started collecting vintage glasses and have a pretty nice collection so far.

    I love the look of mismatched pieces! :)

    Margaret @ Live Like No One Else
