Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #52

     It's one of my favorite days of the week- Thursday. . . wanna see my haul this week?

I saw this half full box of envelopes for $1 and stopped dead in my tracks. I love envelopes- does that make me sound weird?
I could go on a shopping spree at an office supply store and fill a cart- and I don't even work in an office!
Honestly, though, I would love to go into an office supply store with the challenge of creating a scrapbook. I would be on Cloud Nine. Anybody know of a challenge like this? :)

Got this brand new pack of six styrofoam balls for fifty cents. I don't have a use for them right now, but give me a little time. I'll come up with something. In the meantime, I'll put them in one of my craft supply drawers and they won't even take up much room.

Got this more than half full spool of tulle for a dollar. Who can't use tulle? It works great in craft projects and even looks beautiful wrapped around a gift.

Found this old Fiesta Ware saucer for a quarter. Love that shade of green!
My mother-in-law used to collect Fiesta Ware, so I'll think of her when I use it.

It's hard to tell in this picture, but this set of three saucers and a small bowl is adorable! It was only a dollar for all four pieces! If you've stopped by on Thrifty Thursday before, you're probably thinking that I have more than enough tiny China plates. And you're right- I do. So I have now started a collection for one of my good friends. I so love to have a reason to buy cute plates!
Good luck to you and your thrifty adventures this week. Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
But I have trusted in Your mercy;
my heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.
Psalm 13:5
This post is linked to My Repurposed Life

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the tulle you will find many uses for! I've wrapped it for package bows, tied around pillows, wrap around mason jars etc. So many uses and what a fun thrifty find! Found your blog via a connection on GYB party- and enjoyed visiting your blog!
