Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #53

     This week, I stopped into a thrift store that I don't often go to. It's not for lack of trying on my part, because I stop by, it just isn't open very often. This day it happened to be open. The fellow running the store told me that due to poor management, the store is closing. No real surprise there, huh?
      He also told me that he was open to making deals. So when I saw this lovely frame, I asked how much he wanted for it. He said $5. In my mind, that wasn't making a deal. I set the frame down. I think he could tell by the look on my face that I never pay $5 for a frame- not even a big one and this one was an 8"x10". So he said that he'd throw in four books- with the frame for $5. I still wasn't on board. Then I thought about how this poor guy is just trying to sell what he can before he loses his lease. So I agreed.
     Good thing this frame is beautiful!!
I love the woodwork on it. It will look fantastic spray painted a pretty color.
I had already picked up these two books which is why he made the offer that he did.
The book on the left was published in 1933. Honey Bunch- Her First Big Adventure. Isn't it cute? I think it may become a scrapbook.
The book on the right I picked up just because I like how it looked (and because I needed four books). It was published in 1905. I probably won't cut this guy up.
My final two book choices were these:
The Secretary's Handbook published in 1954 because you can never go wrong with an old handbook of any kind
Ferdinand which I got because I had never read it before. It's a really cute story. I'm going to read it to my boys even though they're going to think they're too old for it.
     I am actually going to miss this thrift store. Even though I didn't shop there much, when I did, I always found good stuff.
     Good luck to you and your thrifting adventures this week. Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

I will sing to the Lord, because
He has dealt bountifully with me.
Psalm 13:6
This post is linked to 52 Mantles, Apron Thrift Girl, and Junkin' Joe.


  1. Hi Laura,

    Thanks for stopping over and commenting on my cheese dome cloches.

    I've been checking out your blog and love all your thrift store treasures!

    Newest Follower,

  2. I'd love to see what's inside that Secretary's Handbook!
