Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #55

     Happy Valentine's Day!

     I'm back with part two of my estate sale treasures. Last week I showed you what I got on my first visit. Today I'll show you what I got when I went back the next day- which was the third day of the sale- everything was half off, Baby! I think by now, you all know that I love secondhand shopping- but when I get to do it at half off, I am walking on sunshine!

     I picked up some more vintage hankies for only $1.25.

I got this beautiful hand-stitched piece for $.75.
I have two more of these from a previous yard sale. I need to figure out something really cute to do with them.

These old Viewmaster reels were only $5. They are really old. I'm thinking of selling them on Ebay. Anybody ever tried that?

I got this earring and broach set for $2 (only one earring is in the photo, but it came with two). I've seen lots of vintage jewelry repurposed on Pinterest. Can't wait to do something with these.
Look at all these old stamps! I got all these for less than $2. The ones that aren't in a bag are from Brazil!
I had seen this big bag full of stamps on my first visit, but I didn't want to pay $15 for them. At fifty percent off, they became something I needed!
Keep watching for projects using these:)

While I was waiting in line to pay (which was a long, slow line, I tell you!), I found this film. It's not on a reel. I need to do a little research and see if it's worth anything. If not, I'll be cutting that fella up for projects!

     The next time you drive by a sign advertising an estate sale, give it a whirl! You never know what you'll find.
     Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Preserve me, O God, for in You I put my trust.
Psalm 16:1

This post is linked to Apron Thrift Girl, My Girlish Whims, and My Repurposed Life.

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