Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #61

     Many Saturday mornings I jump in my car with a Diet Coke all fired up about going to yard sales. Then I'll drive all around town and only find two- and sometimes they aren't even a good two. It feels like a wasted morning. After a morning like that, I always say that I'm going to check the newspaper before I go the next time. Then sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.
     This past weekend I found a couple, and it was worth all the driving around!

I got this platter and cloche for $1.50.
I've seen all kinds of projects using these throughout Blogosphere.
Come back tomorrow, and you'll see what I do with mine:)
I love old flash cards. I got this set for a dollar.
I often find flash cards, but I don't get them if they're not old.

This is a small bowl- only 4 1/2 inches across the mouth- but it was love at first sight. I don't even care about the chip on the lip (right side of photo). It's so old that it has spider cracks in the glaze .
I was shocked when the lady told me that it was only a quarter!

I love old books. This one is an old child's hymnal. The lady running the sale told me that I could have it for free since it was "God's Word." She said she can't charge for that.

I snatched up this beauty, too. I got it for free as well.
I've never had anybody let me have religious books for free before.

The illustrations are fantastic!
No, I will not be cutting up these two books:)
Found this brand new set of labels for a dime- I'm going to take them to the next scrapbooking group with my church friends so they can have something cute to journal on.
I have a huge collection of journaling cards, but not everybody else does. This way they can have a little variety in their books, too.
I wish you luck if you happen across any yard sales this weekend. Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord;
He is their strength in the time of trouble.
Psalm 37:39
This post is linked to Junkin Joe and Apron Thrift Girl


  1. At my local St Vincent de Paul shop, all religious materials are free, or so the sign says,

  2. Cheese domes and vintage flash cards -- two of my favorites as well!!

    Great finds!

