Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Layout of the Week #49- Using Strips of Pattern Paper

     This week for our Layout of the Week, you can dig into your stash of pattern paper and trim a few random strips and we'll put them all together on one piece of pattern paper to make this cute and busy layout. . .
Do you see how many different strips I used?
My strips came from a pack of strips by Teresa Collins. K and Company makes some, too.
If you don't have a set of these, no problem. You can cut strips from pattern paper.

To make this layout, you'll need:
one piece of pattern paper
four strips of pattern paper measuring 1/2" x 12"
one strip of pattern paper measuring 1" x 4 1/2"
one note card
two word stickers (I had paper with words printed all over it- I just trimmed off two words that fit my theme)
three vertical 4" x 6" photos
paper trimmer
optional: six mini brads
letter tab

Start by adhering one strip to the top of the pattern paper.
Save the brightest strip of paper for last.
(Throughout this layout, feel free to ink the edges of your papers. I always do.)

Now place the 1" x 4 1/2" strip slightly overlapping the right side of the top strip.

Next, adhere another strip to the bottom of the paper.
Notice that all my strips have different patterns- it will make a "fun" look when we're all finished. 

Adhere your three photos about 2 1/2" from the top of the paper. They should touch each other and stretch all across the paper.

Now take another strip of pattern paper and slightly overlap the bottoms of the photos.

Take you final strip of pattern paper- this should be your brightest strip. Trim it so you have one piece that is 5 1/2" long and one that is 6 1/2" long.
Adhere the shorter one on the top left side of the photos.
Adhere the longer one on the bottom right slightly overlapping the strip of paper that is under the photos.

Now we're going to make a journaling and title card.
Choose the word from your word paper or stickers that you want for your title.
Trim around it, then adhere it to the bottom of the note card.
Trim the note card so it is just a little longer than the word sticker.
Ta-da- you just made your own journaling and title card! That's a technique you can use again and again! 

Place the journaling card at the bottom right corner so it slightly overlaps the bottom strip of pattern paper and the strip underneath the photos.
Optional: Place your letter tab above the photos and put a word sticker on the tab. This will customize your tab so that it matches your theme. (Another technique you can use again.)
Add three brads horizontally to the right of your tab.
Add three more horizontally next to the left side of your journaling card.
We're done! Isn't the mix of all the different patterns cute?
     I do a layout tutorial every Wednesday. I try to give general directions so that you can make a similar layout using supplies that you already have.
     If you have photos that you need to scrapbook and you just don't know where to start, swing by here and try one of my layouts. If you follow along every week, you could have four layouts done a month!
     Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Be strong and of good courage;
do not be afraid, nor be dismayed,
for the Lord your God is with you
wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

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