Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #62

     How do you spell Saturday morning fun for my family? A community garage sale, that's how!
     I'll be honest, though. My boys don't get excited about the sales. Nope. Actually, they get excited about a stop at the donut shop. The town hosting the community sale has a bakery that sells huge donuts. I mean they're huge- like the size of my kids' heads huge. That's why my boys like to come:)

     I found some good things besides fried goodies, though. . .

This beautiful glass bowl was only fifty cents!
I washed it up and used it the same day:)

One sale had a sign that said all clothes were only a quarter.
This shirt had no wear and my growing son needs church clothes.
I only had a five dollar bill with me, so I asked the lady if I could run to my car to get some coins. She told me to just take the shirt. So I got it for free!

We found one sale in an old outdoor building. I was expecting great things from it, but was disappointed.
While digging through a basket of old jewelry and I spotted this flower pin. I love the red rose.
I think somehow I'll incorporate it into a bracelet.

I love old silverware and serving utensils. I got these for a quarter apiece.
I'll be looking at Pinterest for uses for ladles- other than serving food.

I never pass up these index card dividers.
They come in handy for scrapbooking.

Look at these two old books I found.

Oh, how I love old books. These were fifty cents each.
This life vest was only $1. It's the second brand new life vest I have gotten at a yard sale.
My father-in-law recently gave us a fishing boat, so these two vests will come in handy!
We went to several sales in the community. This is about half my loot; come back next Thursday and see what else I found!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
I delight to do Your will, O my God,
and Your law is within my heart.
Psalm 40:8
This post is linked to Junkin' Joe


  1. I love getting to see the stuff you get from your sales!

  2. you got some major scores!!!! wooooohoooooooooooooooooo for you!!! hugs and thanks for sharing!
