Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #64

     I have to admit. This week's haul could be considered a little dull. There's no pretty plates, no old board games, and, surprisingly, no old books. I have to say that some weeks are just like that.
     I'm not complaining, though. Everything I bought I have a use for.

This expandable file cost me $.75.
Now I'm sure it would make a great scrapbook or coupon organizer.
But the minute I spotted it, I knew it would come in handy for the financial class my hubby and I are taking. We're enrolled in the Financial Peace University with Dave Ramsey. It's a great class- we're learning a lot. Part of the course entails keeping money for different categories in envelopes. I thought this would be perfect for that!

Got this pack of index tabs for a quarter. They will be used in scrapbooking. I love that they're clear so I can use them with any color paper, and I can personalize the labels.
Keep this in mind all you scrapbookers!

Couldn't pass up a new roll of floral tape for a quarter.
Even with a coupon, I'd pay more than that for a new roll at Michaels or Hobby Lobby.
You can go here to see a project I made using floral tape.

Yep, those are house numbers you're looking at. Got them for twenty five cents each. Now I know you're probably thinking what in the heck is she going to do with those?
Well, I think they'd be cute on the cover of a mini album. The #4 will be good for a family album for a family of four. 
Not for sure what I'll do with the #1s. I'll come up with something though . . . maybe #1 team for a sports themed book . . . hmmm.

The last item I bought is this brand new compass for fifty cents. We didn't have one of these, and one the boys needed one recently. I do always love a bargain!
That's it. Not an earth-shattering haul, but not too shabby either!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. . .
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:15
 This post is linked to Junkin' Joe and Tatertots and Jello.


  1. You're so right, some weeks there is must nothing good but at least you found some useful things!

  2. Oh we soooooo understand the not so good days! you got cool stuff though and we thank you for sharing : ) hugs...
