Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #65

     For some reason, my last few weeks have felt extra hectic. I haven't been able to fit in the fun stuff. Does that ever happen to you? It's like I've just been chasing my tail! Ah, well, such is the life of a mom:)
     Fortunately, I did get to take about ten minutes and pop into my favorite resale shop. It was worth the time and the money I spent!
I found this beautiful old spool for $.75.
It's going to go on my mantle next to my other giant spool.

I got this bolt of pretty white lace for a quarter!

I fell in love with this silver tray.
It's about 12 inches across by 7.5 inches wide.
For fifty cents it is mine to do with as I wish! I'll find some cute project to use it in.
I've been wanting to get a silver tray that I can use for a magnet board. This guy unfortunately isn't magnetic, but that's ok. I would've bought him anyway.
I need to put a magnet in my purse so I can test what I find.

I always pick up embroidery hoops when I find them.
This one is about eight inches across and only cost a quarter.
 I have a few "hoop" projects on my to-do list.

I got these brand new bags of confetti for a quarter each.
Next month, I get to help decorate for a graduation party.
Guess what the school colors are? That's right: red and black!
I'd have paid more than a quarter for a bag of this at Party City!

I picked this up for a quarter.
Who among us can't use a little improvement? I know I can use some:)

This was my favorite find of the day.
They're old pendants. Not for sure how old, though.
The original price tags were still on them.
I can't wait to do something with them!
That's it. $4.65 for all that loot. Nice.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith,
praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God,
looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
Jude 1:20
 This post is linked to Bright Green Door and Embracing Change.


  1. The day is good when you get a good deal. Good for you!

  2. I just discovered your blog and it looks like you love thrifting as much as I do! I just started a "Go Get Your Garage Sale On" Linkup and I would love if you would share your finds!
