Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #66

     I was running an errand last Saturday and got to swing by one yard sale. It was a tiny one and wasn't impressive, but I did bring home one item with me. . .

this pewter candlestick holder.
It cost me a dollar.
It's about four inches tall and five inches wide.
I love the detail on it.
 I'm anxious to paint it a pretty color.

Today I stopped into my favorite two thrift stores with a list in my hand.
I was able to pick up some vinyl records. They were fifty cents apiece.
I mentioned earlier this week that I'm going to be using a bunch of records to decorate for a music themed graduation party. I'm going to use them to make some of these.

I picked up these tiny candle holders which were also on my list.
 I'm going to use these to turn some of the above records into plate stands like I did here.
That's it. I didn't find anything else.
I'm going to have to take my list with me when I go to some yard sales this weekend!
I wish you all luck with your secondhand shopping.
Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10


  1. LOVE that candlestick! Glossy hot pink or aqua would be cool - but I'm just not that brave! Can't wait to see what color it turns out to be!

  2. I can't believe the candlestick was only a dollar! I vote for coral... my new favorite color.
