Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #67

     I saw a story in the local newspaper that said a well known beautiful old house in town was going to host a yard sale. I was so excited; I counted down the days til Saturday.
     I got there and was a little bummed. I don't know what I was expecting. The house was just the location of the sale- they weren't selling old relics there. Sometimes I make things bigger in my head than what they really are. I tell you what, if that yard sale had been all I'd imagined, it would've been amazing!!!
     Anyway, I did find a few things. . .

like this old card game. I LOVE old games!

Check out these cards! They're written in English and French.
Getting a little culture for just fifty cents:)

I found this really old fishing reel for my hubby who's a lifelong fisherman.
I thought he could set this on a shelf.

I bought this reel, too. They were both sitting there at only fifty cents apiece.
I thought they might look cute in a fishing themed shadowbox.

When I saw this plate, I. Fell. In. Love.
Have you ever seen one so pretty?
It's a small dessert plate and was only fifty cents.

This 17" x 15" frame is missing it's back, but for a quarter, I don't care!
I'm going to clean this puppy up and spray paint the frame a pretty color.
I may replace the glass with chicken wire. Not for sure yet.

I got a book for a quarter. I love to read.
I'm always on the lookout for leisure reading books that I can get rid of after reading them.
I have not made the leap over to a Kindle yet. I am just an old-fashioned girl, I guess.
I hope you all have a delightful time going to yard sales this weekend. Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
All the days of the afflicted are evil,
but he who is of a merry heart has a continual feast.
Proverbs 15:15
This post is linked to Junkin Joe, Apron Thrift Girl, and 52 Mantles.


  1. I love old games too, always on the lookout! That's a neat old box.

  2. oh the game is such a find!!! thanks so much for sharing with us : ) hugs...

  3. That frame would be awesome with chicken wire! I love those as jewelry hangers or picture displays.
