Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Layout of the Week #56- Using Chipboard In Your Layout

     For this week's Layout of the Week, we're going to reach into our stash of chipboard letters and/or embellishments and put them to use. If you don't have any chipboard letters, just use regular letter stickers:) The point of this tutorial is to get a layout done! You don't have to use exactly the supplies I use- just follow the steps and you will complete it!

Here's the layout we'll be making.

To create it, you'll need:
two pieces of coordinating pattern paper
one roll of decorative tape (or you can trim four 1/4"x 9" strips from card stock)
chipboard letters (or letter stickers)
two embellishments (I used a ticket and a small chipboard clock)
paper trimmer
optional: 7-9 tiny flowers

Decide which pattern paper will be the background. Then take the other paper and trim 3" off the top and right side. Adhere it in the center of the background paper. That will give you a 1 1/2" border all around the center piece.

Outline the center piece with decorative tape or cardstock strips.
(Please forgive the blurriness of the photo- I don't know what happened there!)

Place three or four photos on the right edge of the interior paper in a column. The photos will overlap the top and bottom border. I trimmed my photos quite a bit to make four fit.
Then place your main photo to the left of the column about one inch below the top border strip.
 Don't place adhesive on the top of the photo because we'll be tucking our tag behind there.

Write on your tag, then slide it behind the top of the left photo.
Place your title, using the chipboard letters, below the left photo.
Place your two embellishments, one overlapping the other, near the bottom right edge of the layout.
Optional: Add your tiny flowers down the right edge of the left photo.
We're done! Was that quick and easy or what?!?
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Please stop by every Wednesday for a different step-by-step layout.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Come and see the works of God;
He is awesome in His doing toward the sons of men.
Psalm 66:5
 This post is linked to Happy Hour Projects, A Peek Into My Paradise, and 52 Mantles.

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