Monday, June 3, 2013

Mini Album Monday #3- Graduation Album

     I went to a graduation banquet over the weekend (the one I've been making decorations for) and I wanted to show you the mini album that I made for the graduate. He has been in my Sunday School class for several years and he's very near and dear to my heart.

The book is about his senior year, so I chose this old book cover to use as the album cover.
I always pick up cool old books at yard sales and thrift stores, so I have quite a few to choose from when I make an album.
I cut the front and back covers off and punched holes in them, then bound the whole thing with rings. I like to use rings because it allows for adding extra and changing around the pages.

On the inside cover, I included a book plate that you usually see inside textbooks. Years ago, my boys brought home a small book from school with one of these, and I made copies of it.
The page on the right is a clear page protector that I cut to size and filled with confetti before sewing up the sides.
When I planned this book, I pulled out supplies in black and red which are his school colors.
I recently came across three packs of confetti stars in just the colors I needed at a thrift store. I love thrift stores:)

He had been sending me pictures from his senior year so I could use them in my party decorations. I printed off extra copies for this book. I didn't tell him that I was making it.

I had been to the play he was in earlier this year, and I kept the Playbill and my ticket.

I tucked the ticket into this pocket along with a journaling card for him to add the details that he'd like to remember.
The pocket was made from a piece of sheet music- when I trimmed it, I left an extra three inches to the length so I could fold it up to make the pocket.

In these photos, it was kind of hard to find him, so I added arrows to point him out in the crowd. 

Some of the photos are from when I went to see his performances throughout the year.
I had this small file folder that looks like a composition notebook in my school themed papers and thought it would make a cute addition.

I added a few journaling cards here and there with prompts that should help him think of what to write. I know that I sometimes find journaling daunting, so I wanted to make this as easy as possible for him to add some memories. Hopefully he will.:)

If you want to make a book like this, you just need to incorporate different types of pages. I used some scrapbooking papers- for example the page on the left is a drama themed piece and the page on the right looks like a piece of notebook paper.

The page on the right is actually out of an old math book. When I use thin pieces like this, I always add hole reinforcers to the holes on the backside.

The page on the right is just an envelope turned sideways with the flap tucked in.
I placed a program from one of his choir concerts in there.

Another tip when making a book like this: pull out different stickers that you can use to place here and there. I had a couple of graduation themed sticker sets. An easy embellishment to add is tickets folded in half as page tabs. They add a little pop of color here and there.

The page on the right is a small paper bag. I placed a strip of old book page on it- another easy idea to add to a book like this.

I left the graduation page blank for a photo of him in his cap and gown.

I ended it with a manila envelope folded in half with a photo turn as the closure.

This is the inside of the envelope. He can put extra photos or mementos in both sides of the envelope and in the two little envelopes on the left.

Then I placed this quote sticker on the back of the envelope.
He was very touched by this gift and I'm glad I made it for him.
This is a do-able project if you'd like to make one. Just gather your supplies and start trimming pages to the right size. At times, it may feel overwhelming, but just keep plucking away one step at a time and you will finish. I promise:)
This would work for a Father's Day gift- you could find an old outdoor themed book and fill it with different fishing scrapbook pages.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
For You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord shall enlighten my darkness.
2 Samuel 22:29

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