Monday, June 24, 2013

Mini Album Monday #6- Family Album

     The album I'm showing you today is a family themed book. It would be a quick and easy one to replicate. You could use a pre-made album and have one layout for every family member.
     I feel journaling is super important to include when you're scrapbooking, and this book has journaling that can't get any simpler. For each person, I answered the same seven prompts: Is, Has, Can, Watches, Reads, Wishes, Needs (I got this journaling idea several years ago from Stacy Julian).

Here's the cover. It has two pieces. The first is chipboard cut into the shape of a bracket and covered with graph paper. The title is attached so that it hangs over the edge.

The second part of the cover is a piece of corrugated cardboard with a flower at the bottom corner.
I made custom buttons for this album by covering chipboard with papers that coordinate with the book. Then I used a punch to cut out circles and punched holes in the centers making them look like buttons.

The intro page says "The Sextons est. 1996" (the year we got married).

Then each layout has journaling and one photo.
Here's an example of how I answered the journaling prompts for my hubby:
Is almost 36 
Has blue eyes, a great smile, and a 1970 Ford Bronco
Can clean a gun, fix a car, and lull a baby to sleep
Watches the Military Channel, the History Channel, and war movies
Reads gun magazines, Clive Cussler novels, and the weather report
Wishes he had more time to fish
Needs coffee, sweets, and his family's love

Each page is different. The page on the left is a piece of double sided pattern paper. The page on the right is a paint chip (from Home Depot) with lace stapled to the bottom.

I covered the back of the paint chip with sheet music. The page on the right is another piece of pattern paper cut into the shape of a circle- actually it's more like two-thirds of a circle.

The page on the right is actually a portion of a 12"x12" piece of pattern paper with a decorative border. I just cut the paper into fourths.
For embellishments, I cut a heart from sheet music and overlapped it with a matching chipboard button. 

For the second to last layout, I used a picture of our dogs, then filled out the journaling about them.

The page on the right is just a piece of pattern paper cut wide enough so I could fold it over for a pocket. I stapled it at the bottom then slid a photo into the pocket.
This is such an easy idea, I think it's about time for me to make an updated one!
This album would also be cute to make as a gift for grandparents and include extended family members in it.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
I will remember the works of the Lord;
surely I will remember Your wonders of old.
Psalm 77:11

1 comment:

  1. So creative and crafty! Wish I had just a fraction of that :)
