Monday, July 29, 2013

Let Your Memory Be Your Travel Bag. . . Unless You've Got One This Cute!

      On Friday, I showed you how I followed this tutorial and used fabric to cover a vintage suitcase. Today I'm going to show you how I took that same suitcase and jazzed it up a bit.

I started by hot gluing some trim around the edges.
Here's a closer view.
I just love it when I get to use pink trim on projects- there's not much demand for that in our testosterone filled house:)

Well, I had the outside was looking pretty cute, but this is what the inside looked like.
I pulled out the nasty liner, but then I was left with this.
Pretty ugly.
I couldn't very well leave it that way.
So I wracked my brain trying to figure out what to do with it. Not fabric because it wouldn't hold up well. Not contact paper or scrapbook paper for the same reason.
I decided on paint. Not just any paint, but paint the same shade as blue as the blue flowers on the fabric. Of course I didn't have paint in that shade of blue.
So I got out my acrylic paint and mixed some up. (I didn't know for sure if I could make this work, but luckily it did work!)

Pretty close if I say so myself.

I painted the whole inside blue.
But still I felt something was missing.
It was definitely better than the original, but wasn't cute enough.

So I got out some pink paint and this handy spouncer and just used a little bit of paint to add some pink all over the blue.

This is how it turned out.
It certainly has character. And it matches the fabric on the outside.
Plus I think it will withstand use.
So that's the story of my jazzed up suitcase.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.
Nehemiah 8:10


  1. such a cute piece of luggage now! Thanks for visiting Petticoat Junktion and I'm sorry you don't have a flea market near you. They are so much fun.

  2. Super cheery and fun! I love it. Thanks for sharing so I could see!
