Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #75

     Recently, my darling hubby offered to take me to a couple of yard sales. I wasn't planning to go out that day, but I couldn't refuse his offer! Yard sales and my hubby- two of my favorite things:) The only thing that would have made it better was a big Diet Coke from Sonic!
     Unfortunately it was a slow day for yard sales- I don't know why, but sometimes it's just like that. We could only find two to stop at.

At the first one, I found this platter. I couldn't pass it up for a quarter!
Once I got it home, I decided that I actually have enough platters, so I gave this to a friend of mine.

I love this wooden bowl. It was a bargain at $.75.

At the second yard sale, the lady was asking $2 for this heavy duty glass candlestick, but I offered $1- she agreed.
I plan to use this with a pretty plate to make a cake stand.

This was my favorite purchase of the day- it's a version of Scrabble that I've never seen before. It was $2. The wooden pieces are like dice but with letters. I think these dice will look cute in a glass jar on my mantle. We'll be sure to play it before I do that, though.
That's it- only four items, but they're rather unique items, I think.
I hope you all get some awesome finds in your secondhand shopping this week.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Wait for the Lord, and He will save you.
Proverbs 20:22


  1. That is a neat game, never seen that one before!

  2. You totally could have used the first platter you gave to a friend to make your cake stand. I love diy cake stands!

  3. Love that wooden bowl. I pick any up I find and paint most of them. I haven't seen that Scrabble game either. Very cool.

  4. It may have been slow, but you got some great stuff!
