Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Recipe of the Week #79- Cake Mix Fudge

Cake Mix Fudge
1 cup yellow cake mix
2-3 cups powdered sugar
1/2 stick butter or margarine, cut into small squares
1/4 cup milk
sprinkles (optional)

Mix cake mix and 2 cups powdered sugar in microwave-safe bowl. Add butter and milk. Don’t stir.

Microwave for 2 minutes. Stir immediately until completely combined. Add 1 cup powdered sugar if dough isn't fudge consistency. Add sprinkles. Do not overstir as the color of the sprinkles may bleed.

Spread into greased pan. Refrigerate for at least one hour. Makes 6"x6" pan size.

Note: The first time I tried this, I only used one cup of powdered sugar and I didn't get a fudge-y consistency. So I tried it agin using more powdered sugar. I have found that if I use 2 cups of powdered sugar with the cake mix, then add another cup of powdered sugar after I microwave the mix, it seems to be enough.

This recipe is as good as it sounds. And who doesn't love a quick fudge recipe! We will certainly be having this again!

This recipe was slightly modified from one I found here.

Who is so great a God as our God?
Psalm 77:13

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