Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #82

     It's that time again. . . for me to show you how one gal's trash becomes my treasure! I don't know if I should be embarrassed to tell you how much I look forward to going to thrift stores. When I'm making a list for my errand running, and I get to write "Stop at thrift stores," I get excited! I know that there are times that I won't find anything good. I know that sometimes those stores don't smell the best. I know that what I'm looking through is stuff that somebody else decided they didn't want anymore. But that doesn't matter to me. . . maybe it's because I've always been a fan of the underdog or because I've always loved old things or because I love the challenge of taking something old and making it new again. . . I don't really know.
     Anyway, wanna see what I found?

I love this old pattern for girls' costumes.
Too cool for only a quarter.
I have been loving all the alphabet walls that I've seen on Pinterest. I've been slowly collecting letters, but wasn't too sure where I'd be able to hang them. Well, I figured it out this week (Yay!), and now I'm anxious to complete my collection. I got each of these for a dollar. They have a label on them from Pottery Barn.
I love the shiny sleekness of them.

This pearl bracelet was only $.75.
The beads are in good shape and they will make an awesome part of a "new" piece of jewelry.

Aren't these a fun childhood flashback?
I've noticed a trend in scrapbooking using these View master reels. I got these for a dime apiece and they will be featured on an upcoming Layout of the Week tutorial.

I've been on a Nicholas Sparks jazz lately, so I was excited to pick up this for fifty cents. I thought that I had already read it, but it turns out that I hadn't!
Is it just me, or does he make you cry at some point in every story he writes?
That's all my treasures for this week. Did you notice that I have plans for everything I bought? That's such a good feeling. I try not to buy something if I don't think I'm going to use it in the near future.
 If you enjoyed this post, stop back next Thursday for another rendition of thrift store purchases. :)
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
 Hear my prayer, O Lord, and let my cry come to You.
Psalm 102:1
 This post is linked to Junkin' Joe, Be Different Act Normal, and 52 Mantles.


  1. Love the pattern. My mom made the prairie dress & bonnet for me when I was a little girl using this pattern. Fun memories.

  2. Fabulous Finds...but that simplicity pattern is awesome!!! : ) Hugs and thanks for sharing!
