Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #86

     Whoo! We have had a busy couple of weeks in school (we do online public school). I haven't had much time to do any fun shopping- just grocery shopping.
     The other day, I snuck in a quick stop at my favorite thrift store right before taking my son to his drum lesson. He actually sat in the car with his homework while I shopped!
     I had wandered around and found a few items and was heading to the cash register, when I spotted a basket at the checkout that said, "Vintage Postcards." They had me at vintage. :)

Aren't they gems?

I wanted to get the whole basket, but there were a LOT of postcards. I couldn't justify that big of a purchase even at the reasonable price of fifty cents per card.
So I settled for my favorite eleven cards.
The backs are just as charming with the old script and beautiful postage!
Whatever I decide to do with them, I'll have to be sure that both sides are able to be viewed.

I was drawn to this old platter. I thought it was so unusual with the black trim. I've never seen an one like this before. Naturally, for only a buck, I decided that I needed it.

I almost passed this lace up because I already have quite a collection of lace. But I had a long talk with myself and decided that I would be a fool to pass up over five yards of 3 1/2" wide lace for $.75!

I fell in love with this tiny silver plated platter. It's tarnished, but so beautiful. I love the trim around the edge and the tiny size.
This doesn't seem like much, but I was thrilled with what I did find. My sweet son even offered to sit outside another thrift store if I wanted to shop some more.
I wish you luck with your secondhand shopping this week! Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you,
for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
2 Cor. 12:9

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