Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #83

     I was able to fit in a trip to the thrift stores recently. I spent less than five bucks, but got some good stuff to use in upcoming projects. . .

I am a sucker for old dictionaries. Their pages always look great when used in paper projects.
But this isn't your average everyday dictionary.
It's a German dictionary!
Look at that font!

It only cost me fifty cents. My hubby saw it and said he was going to save it from my destructive hands. I'm not too sure about that. . .  :)
He and I actually met in Germany- many, many years ago. He lived there for a total of five years; I lived there for three (he had already lived there 2 years when I got there).
Because of that, you probably assume we speak German. He can speak some, but all I know is "thank you" and "ham." The only assumption you should ever make regarding me and foreign languages is that I'm no good at them!

I have a project that I've been wanting to make from old leather belts. Imagine my surprise when I spotted this fella for a buck! Sure it has somebody else's name engraved on it, but I only need small pieces of it.

This little wooden spoon is only about six inches long. It was fifty cents. I got it for the cover of a recipe mini album that I am going to make.

I got these ratty old bookends for fifty cents a piece.
Stop by tomorrow and I'll show you what I did with them:)

I picked up this clipboard for fifty cents. I always like to have one on hand-- just in case I feel like making something like this.
That's all I got on this thrifty trip. I do hope you come back next week
to see what other treasures I've found.
Good luck to you in all your secondhand shopping!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him; talk of all His wondrous works!
Psalm 105:2
This post is linked to Shabby Creek Cottage and Embracing Change

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