Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #84

     Recently there have been two estate sales very close to my home. They were so close, in fact, that it would have been wrong for me to not at least go and take a look. What kind of person would I be if I just let an opportunity like this pass me up? :)
At one sale, I was able to go with a friend and we both had our kids with us. We were looking quickly because our four kids together- not quiet. They can have fun together anywhere- and an estate sale is no exception!
 My son actually found this camera and showed it to me. Oh, I fell in love! But not all the way because when the estate sale gal told me it was ten dollars, I set it down.
But then I kept thinking about it and thinking about it, so the next afternoon I went back to see if it was still there. Lucky for me, it was! And for twenty percent off!
It came with some extras like these filters.
Isn't it beautiful?
At the other estate sale I went to, I found this Pyrex bowl for two dollars.
I have been on a Pyrex bowl kick lately, so I couldn't leave this guy behind.

I got these awesome patches for two dollars.
I especially like the parachute pin. That's going to end up on some kind of bracelet- I can't wait! :)

How awesome is this old green desk chair?
Somehow I forgot to include this in last week's post. I found it on my thrift store run.
It had a price of $4, but I talked the thrift store gal into $3.
I plan to repaint the seat. I think I may leave the chippy legs just how they are.
I hope you're able to get out and do a little thrifting this weekend.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Love the stranger.
Deut. 10:19
 This post is linked to Embracing Change, Junkin' Joe, and 52 Mantles.