Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #90

You know you're a thrift store junkie when the ladies at the counter recognize you when you walk in the door. Anybody else know that feeling? I sure do. 
I don't know if I should be proud or ashamed. . . :)

I was tickled pink when I spotted a basket full of vintage hankies and doilies
priced at twenty five cents each!
I sorted through looking for some without stains.
I got these two lovelies. . .

and this one (such handiwork!),

and this set of three!
Woo! Can you believe I got six embroidered hankies for $1.50?!?
I gave two of these to a friend, and placed the rest in my stack collection.
I plan to make something really darling with these, I just don't know what yet. . .

I got this awesome old manly book for a quarter.

Couldn't pass up these graphics.

I spent a quarter on this glass candlestick.
I like to keep one or two of these on hand just in case I need to make a raised cake platter.
You know how those kind of emergencies can just pop up:)

My final purchase was these two packs of brand new, never been used envelopes.
Each pack has 25 envelopes.
They're so cute all turquoise with a scroll in the corner.
You're probably curious as to what one gal can do with 50 turquoise envelopes if she's not
planning a party of any sort or any kind of mass correspondence.
Well, I'll tell ya. These fellas are destined to become pages in mini scrapbooks.
That's all for today, Folks! Good luck with your thrifty shopping this week.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Teach me, O Lord, the way of Your statutes,
and I shall keep it to the end.
Psalm 119:33
This post is linked to  Happy Hour Projects, Junkin' Joe, and Embracing Change


  1. such sweet (and inexpensive) hankies, laura! great vintage finds:) happy weekend!

  2. such gorgeous finds...oh those hankies are spectacular! Hugs and thanks for sharing!
