Thursday, December 26, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #98

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas!
Ours was very nice and relaxing. It was very slow paced which was nice after the hectic two weeks leading up to it where I was super busy preparing for it.
Last week I showed you some awesome stuff that I found at an estate sale. Well, I headed back to that same sale on the last day to see if I could find anything else.
Last days at estate sales are fun because everything is usually half off.

I found these awesome tiny flashcards for a dollar!
They're 3" x 2". I love finding stuff like this!
I'm thinking these would make a cute garland.

I also picked up these vintage hankies.
The larger one was only fifty cents and the other two were a quarter each.
Aren't they all so pretty?
I almost have enough blue hankies to make some cafe curtains:)

I simply cannot pass up old paper.
I found this pack of old graph paper- with orange lines- for a dime. Since everything was half off, the gal threw this in for free!
Before decorating for a Christmas banquet last week, I made a quick stop into a thrift store to look for any pretties that we could use to decorate.
I found this creamer cup marked down to a dime.
It doesn't have a lid, but I planned to use it for a candle holder, so it didnt' need one!

I also found these three jars for fifty cents each.
The front one has cup measurements on it. The back two have square edges instead of being round.
I really don't need anymore jars, but I couldn't resist these.

I got this old platter for a dollar. Who can't use an old silver platter? It came in handy for our banquet decorating. After we used it, I tucked it away because I'm sure that it will come in handy again.
That's all my scores for this week. I wish happy treasure hunting to you all!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving
Psalm 147:7
 This post is linked to Be Different Act Normal and I Heart Naptime.

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