Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Layout of the Week #78- Mixing Embellishments on a Layout

I don't go shopping for scrapbooking supplies too often anymore (since I already have so many!), but when I do, I cannot resist cute embellishments! I now have a small wire basket that I keep with my newest and cutest embellishments so they're right at my fingertips when I need a little something for my projects.
Today we're going to use random embellishments all together on one layout. That's right- no rhyme or reason needed! Just grab a handful of lovelies and give this a whirl!

Here's the layout we'll be creating.

To make it, you'll need:
one piece of 12"x 12" cardstock
pattern paper measuring 8 1/2" x 6 1/4"
journaling card (I used a library card)
lots of small embellishments and stickers (tickets, brads, buttons, etc. )
letter stickers for the title
4 1/2"x 6 1/4" pattern paper for photo mat
two 3" sticker strips (or decorative tape)
one photo
bone folder (or scoring blade)
paper trimmer
plate (to trace around)

Using a pen, trace around a plate in the center of the cardstock.
Shift the plate slightly and trace it again. Repeat a third time.

It should look like this.

Now we're going to turn your pattern paper measuring 8 1/2" x 6 1/4" into an envelope.
With the paper lengthwise, mark at 4" and 8" on the top and the bottom.

Use those marks to make two score lines.

Trim the bottom 1/4" off on either side of the score lines.
Score along the bottom flap that's left.

Now fold along the score lines.

Adhere along the edges to make an envelope.
Adhere this envelope on the background close to the bottom of the circle slightly off kilter like this.

Mat your photo on the pattern paper measuring 4 1/2" x 6 1/4".
Place your matted photo overlapping the envelope.

Place two sticker strips along the top and the bottom of the photo.
If you'd rather, you could use strips of pattern paper or decorative tape instead.

Now get out your embellishments and start placing them around the circle marks.
Start with the larger ones,

then start adding the smaller ones.
I used things like a button, several small and large brads, tickets, a tiny playing card, and square button stickers.

Using your letter stickers, place the title in the lower right corner of the layout.
Feel free to add more embellishments.
I added stickers in the upper right corner and some embellishments along the top of the photo.

Finally, tuck your journaling card into your envelope. There's room to add more photos if you like.
I had my two boys fill out this questionnaire and I placed those inside my envelope with my journaling card paper clipped to them.
My journaling has a list of "Major Events that Happened in the Sexton Household in 2013".
See how you can take all sorts of cute items and mix them up on a layout and it still looks good?
Not everything has to be matchy-matchy!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Mat 6:21
This post is linked to My Girlish WhimsBe Different Act Normal, and Ivy and Elephants.

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