Friday, January 17, 2014

Painted Candlestick Holder

This is a project that's been a longtime coming.
I have wanted to paint this candlestick holder since I bought it over a year ago. It's just been sitting on my kitchen counter looking longingly at me (or maybe I've been looking longingly at it).

So I finally sat down and painted it.
Pretty, huh? How about that color?
This is how it started out. It only cost me a dollar at a yard sale.
I started by giving it two coats of metal primer.

Then I painted it in eggshell (the tip is what it looked like before the glaze).
I gave it two coats,

 then I covered it with a glaze which I made by watering down brown paint.
I painted a small area, then wiped off the extra glaze with a paper towel.

I think it brings out the detail.

I'm super happy with how it turned out.
Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.

Freely you have received, freely give.
Mat. 10:8

This post is linked to Funky Junk, My Repurposed Life, Be Different Act Normal, Too Much Time On My Hands, and I Heart Naptime.

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